Striped Socks, finished. Plus, bagels.

 Those socks that were almost finished didn't take long to wrap up, and here they are.

Finished striped socks

My friend was very very happy with them, and I got the kind of reaction every knitter hopes for.

Also, one of the things I've learned to do in the last few months is bagels, because our local bagel place closed a while back, and when we were going through the 50 pound bag of flour from when flour was briefly hard to find, the bagel phase came after the sourdough phase. As a native New Yorker, I'm pretty picky about bagels, and these aren't as good as the best, but they're not bad.

This is the recipe I started with:

but modified to use mostly whole wheat flour, and make 12. If anyone ever actually reads this and wants the changes, just let me know.

 They look like this when they're boiling:

Boiling bagels

 And like this when they come out of the oven:

Finished bagels

Turns out, Trader Joe's Everything Bagel spice mix is pretty good on bagels - who would have thought?


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