Back to blogging! And beads!
One of the silliest reasons for waiting months to start your new blog is because you just cannot come up with what to call it. Having managed that hurdle, here goes. This is supposed to be a place to put whatever I've finished lately, or am working on. Since I seem to be incapable of sticking to one craft at a time, WhimsyCraft it is, and let's start with beads.
A few months ago, I came across Kate McKinnon's geometric beadwork. The work is spectacular, and the information she provides is comprehensive and deeply interesting. How could I possibly resist giving it a try? I pulled out a few colors of Delica beads and got started. Having not done much peyote stitch before, one of the little hypars seemed like a good start, and I improvised the colors, just to get an idea of how the technique works.

Then I moved on to the Tri-Wing ring, which I made according to the video directions, except that instead of putting the second triangle on I added a green ruffle by putting 5 beads into each exposed bead.

After finishing that, I felt ready to tackle a RickRack - it worked very well, but came out too small to be a bracelet, so I sewed it together into a flower and added a large center bead with surrounding small red beads.

The flower was finished just about the time that the PodCast bead came out, so I had to try one.

Then I put a RickRack on it
I still need to take it off and see what it looks like, but I like it so much attached that I haven't done it yet.
I liked the cast on and the beginning, so I started with a longer string of beads and made what I think the CGB folks would call an All-Wing bracelet.

The magnetic clasp isn't strong enough, so I'll replace it sometime.
I've really enjoyed this, and look forward to doing more of it!
A few months ago, I came across Kate McKinnon's geometric beadwork. The work is spectacular, and the information she provides is comprehensive and deeply interesting. How could I possibly resist giving it a try? I pulled out a few colors of Delica beads and got started. Having not done much peyote stitch before, one of the little hypars seemed like a good start, and I improvised the colors, just to get an idea of how the technique works.
Then I moved on to the Tri-Wing ring, which I made according to the video directions, except that instead of putting the second triangle on I added a green ruffle by putting 5 beads into each exposed bead.
After finishing that, I felt ready to tackle a RickRack - it worked very well, but came out too small to be a bracelet, so I sewed it together into a flower and added a large center bead with surrounding small red beads.
The flower was finished just about the time that the PodCast bead came out, so I had to try one.
Then I put a RickRack on it
I still need to take it off and see what it looks like, but I like it so much attached that I haven't done it yet.
I liked the cast on and the beginning, so I started with a longer string of beads and made what I think the CGB folks would call an All-Wing bracelet.
The magnetic clasp isn't strong enough, so I'll replace it sometime.
I've really enjoyed this, and look forward to doing more of it!
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